New Single “Under Fire”, cover art revealed

Jun 19, 2020

Under Fire cover artComing your way on July 3; a tribute to the late Tony Mills, singer of Shy and TNT, who sadly passed away on September 18, 2019 after battling cancer. Tony was a legend in the melodic rock scene and an essential part of the Nergard camp during the early years. His unique songwriting skills, incredible voice and warmhearted personality will be sorely missed. This tribute is a celebration of his astonishing career: a career that brought so many wonderful moments to us all.

For this tribute I decided to take on the song “Under Fire” from Shy’s critically acclaimed album Excess All Areas. To pay homage to Tony’s incredible pipes I brought in heavy Norwegian artillery; the progressive metal titan Nils K. Rue (Pagan’s Mind) and an immensely underrated singer who people really should check out, Mr. Mathias Molund Indergård (Mindtech). Man, those guys sure know how to sing! 

In the guitar department we have the always amazing Andi Kravljaca (Aeon Zen, Thaurorod) who finally makes his guitar debut with Nergard. He handles the rhythm guitars as well as the first part of the solo. For the second part of the solo we have none other than Stig Nergård (Tellus Requiem) who has delivered some truly amazing shred solos on earlier Nergard releases.

Handling the bass is the fantastic Victor Borge (Ammunition, TNT) who played with Tony in TNT for 6 years. David Åkesson (Qantice) provides the massive backing vocals arrangement which features not only his own pipes but also Mathias’ and Stig’s. Last but not least, handling this madness in the studio is producer Jon Tore Dombu from Skarp Studio. What a team! 

The cover art was made by Bernt Kulseth who has been involved in many Nergard releases. 

All proceeds from this song will be donated to Tony’s Children’s Cancer Cause:

The single will be available in all streaming services and mp3 and flac files can be bought in the merch part of this site.